About us

Egelabra – dedicated to maintaining its proven bloodline as a pure genetic strain and committed to working with clients to help maximise returns through breeding versatile sheep with low production costs that provide greater market opportunities

Our History

Egelabra Merino Stud can trace its history back to the birth of the wool industry in Australia in 1797 with the introduction of Spanish blood Merinos by Captain Henry Waterhouse. 

Today, Egelabra runs 40,000 sheep and 3,000 cattle on 55,000 ha of prime grazing country near Warren, central New South Wales. Read more

Our Managers

Since 1906 there have been six general managers, each contributing their knowledge, skills and experience to ensure Egelabra’s long-standing and continued success as a superior closed-stud.

Cam Munro, the current Egelabra General Manager, began his career at Boonoke Merino Stud in New South Wales where he progressed from Jackaroo to Overseer. He commenced his involvement at Egelabra Merino Stud in 1989 as Overseer and was promoted to Manager of the Eenaweena Ram Depot in 1993. Having demonstrated exceptional abilities in these roles, Cam took over the position of General Manger of Egelabra in 1997. Read more

Our Classers

The role of Classer is extremely important in stud Merino breeding. Invariably he is a man of wide experience with a clear vision regarding the type of sheep that will lift the flock average and give the best commercial result.

In 2023, Tom Archer stepped into the role as the Egelabra Stud Classer. Tom has had a long association with Egelabra as the son of a client, Egelabra Stud overseer from 1986-1989 and then followed on as Egelabra stud representee and commercial classer from 1990-2000. Tom, will continue Paul Kelly’s work of carefully balancing objective measurements with subjective overview. Read more