Cam Munro discusses the 2014 stud sale rams and opportunities at Egelabra

Egelabra General Manager, Cam Munro talks to Brad Wilson from Landmark Stud Stock about the 2014 stud sale rams and the importance of training and development within Egelabra.

“The 2014 sale rams are looking fantastic this year”, says Cam Munro. “Egelabra has a large commercial base breeding big even lines of rams – so regardless of whether you by 20, 50 or 100 rams, you can be sure you’re getting consistent quality, not odds and sodds”.

Egelabra’s mantra of ‘what you buy, is what you breed’ is further explained by Cam: “We try to breed the rams in their natural environment, taking care to not over-manage or over feed them, so that our sheep remain adaptable and can perform well in commercial production systems”. 

This year’s on-property ram sale will be held on 15 October with inspection open from 9:30am and the auction starting at 1pm. The sale team that will be up for auction on the day includes eight specially selected rams and a further 150 selected rams. Full details are available in the sale catalogue.

Looking to the future, Cam indicates that a big focus for Egelabra will be surplus ewe sales, “Everything pivots around the Merino ewe. A lot of the meat sheep need a Merino dam for their enterprise to continue, so that is what we’ll be focusing on,” Cam said. 

In talking about the studs operations, Cam is quick to highlight the importance of training and development and the importance of ‘bringing the youth on the journey’. 

“At Egelabra we put a lot of emphasis on training young Jackaroos. They do a traineeship and have a bit of fun and gain valuable experience and skills that sets them up well in the industry,” Cam said. 

Previous Jackaroos have gone onto high profile careers, Cam explains. “Egelabra has had a huge influence on producing great young managers for properties, rural banks and other agricultural enterprises within Australia”. 

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