2020 On-Property Ram Sale Results – Sale Average: $2,975

  • 2020 Sale Average $2,975
  • 8 July-Aug Drop Specially Selected Rams (March Shorn) Sold
  • 150 July-Aug Drop Selected Rams (April Shorn) Sold
  • Top Price Ram to $9,000

H M Lowe & Co secured the top price 2019 July – August drop Specially Selected Ram – March Shorn, Lot 1 HEK 191612 for $9000.

L to R:  Egelabra General Manager, Cam Munro, Sam Phillips holding HEK 191612, buyer Dave Motley, Manager of Gerar Station, Nyngan and daughter Amy, Carmen-Lee Campbell Nutrien Wool, auctioneer Paul Dooley, Tamworth & Scott Thrift, Elders Stud Stock 

WHF Deshon Family Trust, Lightning Ridge secured the top price 2019 July–August drop selected ram – April Shorn, Lot 11 HEK 190278 for $6,000.  

L to R: John Kater, Chairman of H E Kater and Son, Brad & Nick Deshon, WHF Deshon Family Trust, Lightning Ridge and Sam Phillips holding the ram.